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Intuitive singing and music for healing, restoration, elevation, integration, inner union and embodiment

Walk into the Light | sound healing | Official Music Video
Beloved please enjoy this sacred healing transmission. ‘Walk into the Light’ composed by Riana Arendse and Oleksandr Zhadan (pianist) “This transmission was created as a supportive tool on your embodiment/healing journey for you to flow more effortlessly into your Light. Guiding you into your next step, your next greatest phase and timeline. Bringing you out of states of stagnation, confusion, victimhood and into the knowing of the Light that exists for you as you always.” - Riana ***From Riana’s upcoming album. These transmissions are intuitive and designed to penetrate codes and frequencies of light directly into the human body and being. To dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive next Members Monthly transmissions. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 8 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To access Riana’s healing music please visit: ***Riana's Album List: 1. 2. 3. 4. To purchase Riana’s books please visit: To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author, a Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Transformational Leader, Mystic, Intuitive Singer and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Self Mastery, Enlightenment, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Known for her stirring, breath-giving, luminous vocal quality and insightful profound teachings… through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers. A deeply embodied channel of Divine Wisdom, Love and Truth. #walkintothelight #soundhealing #healingmusic #awakening #realization #soundhealing #transmission #healingjourney #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingtherapist #soundhealingnature #soulexpansion #soundhealinginstruments #consciousness #meditation #awakening #angels #healing #riana #creative #sound #soundhealing #emotional #riana #Leaders #teachers #bestsellingauthor #mystic #intuitivesinging #innerpeace #healing #fulfillment #spritualmusic #leader #mastery #yogamusic #healer #spirituality #meditation #globallycelebratedteacher #meditationmusic #meditationsongs #learning #soundhealing #music #relaxingmusic #bestsellingauthor #relaxingmusic #globallycelebratedteacher #relaxingsleep #consciousness #consciousness #healing #thehealer #meditation #awakening #teachers #awakening #healer #healer #intuitivesinging #spiritualgrowth #yoga #yoga #bestsellingauthor #globallycelebratedteacher #sleep ,#consciousness #healing #thehealer ,#meditation #spiritualawakening ,#awakening #spritualmusic #intuitivesinging #yogamusic #yogamusic #heavenleader #angels
Channel of Love / Rebirth / sound healing transmission / Riana Arendse
Many have and are going through very intense dark nights of the soul. This medicine song ‘Channel of Love’ was channeled as a supportive energetic transmission to assist you in closing old cycles and begin anew. It encompasses source codes of rebirth and renewal, allowing you to remember yourself as a channel of Love. Please enjoy this sound healing transmission, allowing it to elevate your consciousness and ground it into being. As part of the new upcoming album ‘Rebirth’. Music composed by Riana Arendse and Yafet Timotius (pianist) To access Riana’s healing music please visit: To purchase Riana’s books please visit: And to dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive the link to join the next Members Live Call. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 7 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author. A Leading Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Mystic, Singing Oracle and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Riana’s Teachings through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers.
Sound Healing for Integration and Unity Consciousness / Riana Arendse
Please enjoy this channeled sound healing transmission, calling you home…Channeled and sung by Riana Arendse and one of the tracks on her newest sound healing album ‘Surrender’. This transmission is designed to call back any fractured aspects of the self into wholeness and Union. Releasing the binds and contracts of separation consciousness. Music composed and arranged by Riana Arendse To access Riana’s healing music please visit: To purchase Riana’s books please visit: And to dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive the link to join the next Members Live Call. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 7 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author. A Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Mystic, Intuitive Singer and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Riana’s Teachings through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers. #sound #awakening #meditation #healing #angels #consciousness #soundhealing #emotional #riana #creative
Enlightenment / sound healing / channelled music / Riana Arendse
Please enjoy this sound healing transmission / medicine music for integrating your ‘Eternal Divine Truth’. Channeled Live by Riana Arendse bringing through frequencies of enlightenment. Enlightenment meaning being in alignment with truth, with reality. Seeing, perceiving and embodying beyond the illusory and falseness of self. As part of the newest Live Album ‘Eternal Grace’. To purchase Riana’s healing music please visit: To purchase Riana’s books please visit: And to dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive the link to join the next Members Live Call. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 7 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author. A Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Mystic, Intuitive Singer and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Riana’s Teachings through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers.
Inner Union / sound healing transmission  / Riana Arendse
Please enjoy this short sound healing transmission for Inner Union.. connecting with your infinite divine Self. This track is from Riana’s latest healing through sound album ‘Eternal Grace.’ To purchase Riana’s healing music please visit: To purchase Riana’s books please visit: And to dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive the link to join the next Members Live Call. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 7 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author. A Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Mystic, Intuitive Singer and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Riana’s Teachings through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers.
Connecting to Source Love / sound healing / intuitive transmission
Please enjoy this sound healing transmission / medicine music to connect to Source Love. Channeled live by Riana Arendse streaming Source energy. Take a deep breath… and when you’re ready being your awareness to your Hearr. To access Riana’s healing album please visit: To purchase Riana’s books please visit: And to dive deeper into your spiritual practice by attending Riana’s Events. Courses, Programs, Music or The Mastery Membership visit: Please register now to attend and to ensure you receive the link to join the next Members Live Call. **In addition: As a Mastery Member you get instant access to 7 of Riana’s most Powerful Programs! To follow Riana’s daily teachings and quotes please follow her Facebook page: Or Instagram: ABOUT RIANA: Riana Arendse is an International bestselling author. A Globally-Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, Mystic, Intuitive Singer and Leader in the fields of Conscious Transformation, Healing and Sovereign Embodiment. Riana’s Teachings through her Artistry, Live Events and Media Interviews have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace, Healing and Greater Fulfilment in their lives. Riana has been called a Master of Masters for the next generation of Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Teachers.

Riana’s multidimensional sound and angelic voice is an experience that calls you deeper into yourSelf, that calls you home. The frequency transmitted through her each breath, sound and chant is designed to penetrate the deepest parts of your Being…. Creating a ripple effect of accelerated, subtle and palpable shifts in consciousness. In addition to being an internationally celebrated spiritual leader, Riana is also singing and vocal oracle and alchemist who lovingly brings forward highly intuitive healing sound transmissions using her unique etheric singing abilities. She transmits frequencies and invisible light and sound from the heart of all creation. Through her voice, she anchors these source codes in the physical world, making them accessible to the human body and being. Known for her stirring, breath-giving, luminous vocal quality and insightful profound teachings and initiations…


These short sound transmissions are designed to support you on your journey of healing, expansion, transformation and inner Union.


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"Beloved, at the core of your being, within the space between your ears, and throughout the cells of your body resides a silence, a stillness aware of itself. From that depth of stillness and connection, when you connect to the higher frequencies of these sounds... a wellspring of creative and divine expression infinitely pours out, and you begin to live from that space... a space that darkness cannot deny. Beloved... This album will support you in creating spaciousness within your being, and for a greater expression of your infinite eternal light to be embodied. This is this knowing and realization of Eternal Grace."

- Riana

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“The voice of a thousand angels, this is home. Pure magic, even my animals feel the vibrational frequencies of each song. Riana has a true understanding of Divine Presence and can be felt through her embodiment and expression of teaching and sound.”


“I play your songs on repeat every single day! Your voice and your songs are definitely one of my most powerful guides along my journey.” 


“Source transmissions… that’s all there is to say! WOW”


“(My Last Breath) - A Transmission For Spiritual Rebirth, which evoked sadness for me, but such a contrast - when I align with You and the Seraphim I get such a powerful love energy, words fail actually.”


“Thank you Universe for allowing me to cross paths with Riana’s music. I meditate to these daily and it has truly accelerated my healing.”


“I have found a treasure, this is Gold!”

What our Clients have to say:


“I just want you to know how much I love listening to your beautiful healing music.  I just love your latest song “Divine Presence.”  So beautiful!  It has quickly become a favourite of mine and so has “A Transmission for Peace” from your album, “Rebirth”. And, of course, “Surrender” (from your 2nd album) will always remain a favourite of mine too.”


“Your angelic voice, your music has carried me through the most difficult times. It transformed me and my life in such big ways. Thank you!”


“I have never felt and heard such divine brilliance in vocal transmissions or songs before! Your powerful yet soothing voice truly bridges the gap between this world and heaven. Every single song is so divine.”



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The Sound Healing Sanctum



Every month

Mastery Music Membership

Valid until canceled

Access to All of Riana's current and future music

Each month a new sound healing audio or video will be added

Songs will either be available to stream and or download

Unlimited downloads on downloadable music

Unlimited music streaming

Best Value

The Sound Healing Sanctum - Business



Every month

Mastery Music Membership

Valid until canceled

Used for commercial playback..

Unlimited downloads on downloadable music

Unlimited Streaming

Business use ie yoga studios, videos, ads, commercial use

Access to ALL of Riana's existing and future music

One new music audio/video uploaded each month


2024 Upcoming Events TBA


What our Clients have to say:


There are no words to describe how profound it was for me to listen to all the tracks on her album. When I listened to the track “Resurrection” I actually had a vision! I saw my actual physical birth and the trauma I went through as I was being born. I could tell I experienced a lot of trauma as I was being born...I could see my physical birth but I believe my Higher Self spared me the actual feelings from it over again. During this vision I couldn’t stop crying! Then with the following track, “Deliverance”, I had another flash of me from a past life. I was male and looking down towards the ground, I was adorned in armor that was embedded in jewels. It felt like it could’ve been from earlier Roman times…interesting! It was the suit of armor and the jewels that really stood out for me. This album had a profound affect on me and I will listen to it often!  It’s more powerful than one would think and then when you have things come up out of the blue like that when you’re listening makes you realize how powerful the music/light really is. Riana's voice is magnificent and I absolutely love listening to each and every song!

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about riana

Riana Arendse is a Best Selling Author, Mystic and Globally Celebrated Spiritual Teacher

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