Beloved Masters… The tenets of doing the work of ‘Self’ is monumental. That ultimately ‘Spiritually IS Authenticity’…for it leads you back to the true ‘Self’.
However, not every fractured part about you is meant to be “healed”, instead it’s meant to be loved… by you. Fixing and Embracing are two very different states of being.
We also remind you this day Beloved Master, that ‘True Authenticity’ naturally attracts ‘abundance’; it magnetizes aligned connections, opportunities and experiences into your reality. For your natural blueprint and essence is based on the premise of abundance; the embodiment of divine truth.
Abundance is experienced to the degree of how much of the true Self you are able to embody and integrate. On the other hand, embodying the ‘false self’ to any degree stem from a frequency of ‘lack’ or 'not enoughness'. For we are essentially strategically creating someone or a version of self, which we can approve of, simultaneously denying the parts which we disapprove of.
The journey of the Self; of Spirituality is to ultimately and wholly embody your Souls deepest truth… and then being a clear, integrated and authentic expression of this truth.
Riana Arendse